Eyelash extension training

A very cheap offer only available here, save up to 70%

… up to -70%, save course costs**,
if you live or work in Baden-Württemberg
(also applies to unemployed people who want to start a business)


70% subsidy if you**: have not completed vocational training

or if they
70% subsidy if you**: are 55 years old


30% subsidy**: For everyone else.


Calculation example ESF funding eyelash course 4 days.

-Save 70% course price.
4 day eyelash course; instead of 1499.40 euros … only 449.82 euros

-Save 30% course price.
4 day eyelash course; instead of 1499.40 euros … only 1049.58 euros


Eyelash extension training
Eyelash extension training

Eyelash extension training


audited and recognized training company
0731 – 388 57 54

Chat on WhatsApp

As a professional eyelash extension training center, we offer a comprehensive and high-quality training program and continuing education program.

Professional training and further education Practical.


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